This mix started out as a krautrock mix but ended up mostly full of blissed out electronica and 8bit casio tracks, hence the name.
01 Cherubs - Arab Strap
02 Xtal - Aphex Twin
This is of Ambient Works Vol.1. As blissed out and euphoric as Aphex Twin gets.
03 This Is Now - The Knife
My favourite Knife song. The soundtrack to "Getting the hell out of the city", late night driving.
04 My Sex - Sir Drew
Minimal Techno with Kraftwerk undertones and a chorus of sex groans. Got it of the rather dull "The Trip" compiled by Snow Patrol. This and "By Your Side" By Cocorosie are the only good things on it.
05 Naked Rain - Ellen Allien
Another great minimal techno track. This time from Berlin's finist Ellen Allien. Also in keeping with the "running away from city at night" vibe.
06 Portrait Of The Artist As A Fountain - Simon Bookish
Gay cowboy music. It's all Joyce, spurs and casios. Great Stuff by Londoner
artist Leo Chadburnwritten about American Artist Bruce Naumann.
07 Electronic Renaissance - Belle And Sebastian
The droney casio electro "...Drop a pill and sing along" song from their 1st album
08 Sound And Vision - David Bowie
09 Hallogallo (edit) - NEU!
The start of the Krautrock section of the mix. Beginning with a great track from NEU!, who are two ex-members of Kraftwerk.It's the 1st track off their 1st record from 1972 and in my book it's the start of techno but with guitars.
10 Conductor 71 - Fujiya & Miyagi
Its basically a NEU! track but it's still really really good. Great even.
11 Spoon - Can
12 The Room Got Heavy - Yo La Tengo
Oh that organ sound.
13 Metal Fingers in My Body - Add N To X
14 Mr. B's Ballroom - Devo
I can't believe this was never a single.
15 Fido, Your Leash Is Too Long - The Magnetic Fields
"You’ve been digging in the rubble, Gettin’ bitches in trouble"
16 Exterminata Beat (edit)- Emperor X
A gem of a song and the only song i know that references concrete shuttering frames. Which is nice.
17 The Disco Song - Au Revoir Simone
Great song of a great album (See below to download).
18 Scenic World - Beirut
The Casio track of Beirut's wonderful debut album.
19 Come and Play in the Milky Night - Stereolab
I ended the mix with the last song of "Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night". Good floating in space music.
Enjoy and Good Luck.
Download 8Bit Bliss
Cool videos!! :-)
i'm downloading this now.
thanks for adding the link.
speaking of krautrock, have you heard the new kanye west? he samples can's "sing swan song" on the song "drunken hot girls". kind of freaks me out.
Thats crazy. i must hear that. I don't have much time for k.west.after i seen him on the mtv music awards last year.he seems like a coked up sore loser
i like the minimal piano track he did though.
I think "deerhunter" kind of did a homage to "sing swan song" on the intro to their album, with all the water flowing sounds. well thats what i thought when i first heard it and there is another track that sounds like cluster. Liken the deerhunter anyway.
There is more mixs up also, check them out if you liked this one.
Hey, I just came across this mixtape again after downloading it around 6 or 7 years ago. This mix was responsible for getting me interested in some of my favourite artists such as Aphex Twin and Can, and, through that, A whole slew of brilliant music. I just felt like I should take the time to say thanks.
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