As yr one says "Fuck all you hates". Miss Johansson new album
is pretty great. Ok it's got a couple of well ropey songs on it.
The title track "Anywhere I Lay My Head" being the worse
of the bunch and it was the first to be leaked for some reason.
But the majority of the tracks are great, two of which are
top notch.One, being the only song that's not a Waits Cover
"Song For Jo" is one of the best song on here. Johansson co-wrote
it with TV On The Radio's David Andrew Sitek, the album's
producer. It sounds like a long lost Red House Painters track.
The other being Johansson's cover of "Fannin' Street" which is
just as spell bounding with David Bowie adding backing yells to
the proceedings. Originally "Fannin' Street" reared its head on
Waits "Orphans" release, the 3cd rarities album that came out
last year. With the help of her talented friends Johansson has
made an album thats much better than it should ever be.
Scarlett Johansson - Fannin' Street MP3
Scarlett Johansson - Song For Jo MP3
Tom Waits - Fannin' Street MP3
I have to disagree with this review, I have listened to a few tracks from this and to be honest it sounds like a girl with too much money who cannot sing using all the technology which is available to try and make a passable sounding album. The choice of Tom Waits covers seems a little contrived, a weak attempt at picking a credible artist to cover. Fannin' Street is an incredible song when Waits performs it and I would imagine there are great artists out there who would perform it with great aplomb and make it there own, Miss Johansson does not make this or any of the other songs her own.
Cheers David on your thoughts on the subject.I know I'm really in the minority on this one. Everyone I've talked to hates the idea, hates her voice and hates the songs they heard of the album, but they have only listen to "Falling Down" and the title track, the two weakest songs on the album.
I was really impressed to find out Song for Jo wasn't a cover which is definitely the high point of the album.
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