Another Box Social Show, this saturday.

"Starting with a peal of thunder and the sound of heavy rain, Left For Dead is a narcoleptic electronica track...
building from a haunting synth pattern to a euphoric swell...a dark, ambient piece" - Analogue Magazine
"Left for Dead...quietly invites itself for tea and within hours is cosily wrapped up in your favourite blanket in the living room.
You don’t mind though, as it brings calmness and warmth with it" - Nialler9
You can download several wonderful EP via his myspace
Music to ly in the park to as the girls/boys of summer go by, makes you long for summer days. Its almost reminiscent to "Summer Make Good LP" in it's subtle and understated beauty, creating a world that only these creature exist, with birds and glitch glitch grasshoppers jumping from ear to ear, sounds out pops and bangs to each other high up on in the forest canopy.
You can download Ilex's (then under the alias of Fringe) album "Chairs" for free from the Alphabet set. Click on the photo of the faceless airpilot on the right hand side of the page.

Laura Sheeran
Carving out a unsettling audio tale with a rich and disturbing lexicon, from singing saws to carne ukulele, looped vocals from voices that sound out like warnings of the industrial revolution.
5pm till 9pm-ish
5 euro suggested entry
Bring your own dang booze!
Address: The Shed behind No. 236 South Circular Road, Dublin 8.
Directions: 19 or 122 bus (leaves from O'Connell St heading south), get off at the Mosque (ask driver) and continue in same direction as bus up to the crossroads, take a right down donore avenue and take the first right down a small lane. The Box Social is the third door on the right! See google map link below.
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